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Boothbay Selectmen Oct. 12, 2016

Present: Dale Harmon, Douglas Burnham, Charles Cunningham, Steven Lewis, Town Manager Dan Bryer and Secretary Sherry Tibbetts

Public Comment: Jean Reese-Gibson talked about a sidewalk project that she found on MDOT’s website for Boothbay. The project was originally set to go out to bid March 2017 and has been changed to March 2018. She wants to know what this is and how it affects what is currently on the warrant and the previously approved sidewalk project. The Selectmen have heard nothing about this. Dan said the Town has not approved the ¾ of a million dollar project. Dale and Dan both said they would try to get some information on this and present it at the next meeting if possible. Marcia Solar asked for clarification on the plantings for the roundabout. She has concerns about this being an extra expense for the town as well as taking up the time of the public works crew, who already have enough work to do.

Minutes: Chuck Cunningham made a motion to approve the minutes of September 28th, 2016 as presented and Doug Burnham seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0 in favor. Reports: Dan reported that the Business has been busy since the absentee ballots have come in. Tracy is out after having surgery but has been helping by telephone. The Butler Road paving is almost done and Back Narrows is scheduled for tomorrow, all should be done next week. Float work has begun and they are about ready to come out of the water. Dan wanted to thank the Public Works crew for the good job they did shingling the Post Office roof. The CEO is busy; they have had 15 building permits, 2 demo permits and several others this month. The Town received MMA’s supreme award this year for their town report. Tammy did the report almost entirely herself this year and it was her first year doing the report. Dan wanted to recognize her for her good work. The Selectmen also thanked Tammy for the great job that she did on the report.

Old Business, Mark Eyerman contract proposal: This was given to the Selectmen for review and will be signed at the next meeting. New Business: Discussion regarding a front end loader for public works: Mike Alley was present for this discussion. Dan explained that the grader owned by the Town has not been used for at least the last five years. The public works would like to trade it in and purchase a front end loader which would be used frequently. Dan said the money is in the Capital Improvement funds if one can be found for the right amount. Mike explained how often and for what they would use a front end loader. Mike and Dan will work on this and try to get RFP’s for the Selectmen’s review. The Selectmen are in favor of this.

Release Deed: The town had acquired this property for unpaid taxes but the owners have now paid all expenses to date and are asking for a release deed. Chuck Cunningham made a motion to sign a release deed for a piece of property located at 26 Merry Lane, Boothbay, Maine referenced as Map R7 lot 088 and Steve Lewis seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0 in favor. Board of Selectmen Dale Harmon, Chairman Douglas Burnham, Vice Chair Charles R. Cunningham Stephen W. Ham Steven Lewis Town Manager Daniel Bryer Jr. 2

Video Presentation by BRCTV for Roundabout feature: Ryan Leighton and crew presented the video they have been working on. After the video was watched the Selectmen made it plain that they would not make changes or interfere with it in any way. The Selectmen did say it was a good job and having the people at Blue Hill was a good idea. It will be released to the Public on Monday and will be on as many websites as possible. Public comment: John Ziegra first commended the Selectmen for their approach to the Route 27 project and infrastructure. He said they have been transparent and done a good job of navigating this, it has been a tough road for them. He said they have been thoughtful and considerate of all and he is proud of them. Next Mr. Ziegra said the Water System is looking to make Adams Pond and lands owned by the Water System more user friendly, maybe with walking trails, etc. He also said the seasonal water will be turned off on 10/20/2016. Jana Day said she was also proud of all the work the Selectmen put in and seconded Mr. Ziegra’s comments about them. She said she works at the Boothbay information center and walking/biking trails are needed. She would like to have the word roundabout included in the warrant articles. She questioned who would take care of the islands in the roundabout. She also had questions about the other TIF’s that Boothbay has. Marcia Soler said that she did not think that article #4 was clear on what was being added to the TIF district. There will be a public hearing about the Route 27 traffic project at the next Selectmen’s meeting on 10/26/2016 and the meeting will start at 6PM with the regular meeting taking place first on the agenda. Review warrants and sign: Chuck Cunningham made a motion to review the warrants and sign them and Doug Burnham seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0 in favor. Adjourn: At 8:15PM Chuck Cunningham made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Doug Burnham seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0 in favor.

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